1000 times more

January 28, 2023 10:38 pm Published by

Devotion: The Year of 1000x More

Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:11

This time last year my family and I were believing God for a new house. We had been living with my parents after moving here on faith and searching for a home in what felt like the worst time to be buying a house. We were not specifically just fasting for a home, but we were definitely believing God for one. And faithful He was because during the second week of the fast we found our home that we now live in still. We closed on Valentines Day. We still talk about what a miracle this house has been and just how much God met all of our desires, even down to the things we didn’t necessarily need.

In Deuteronomy 1:11 God tells the people that He will bless them 1000 times more. That He doesn’t care about their past or where they have come from, that He was going to move them on to better things. Don’t you want a blessing of 1000 times more? I know I do! As this fast comes to an end, and a new year begins, I declare 1000 times more over you! I hope you are able to rejoice and celebrate today that you’ve made it 21 days in fasting and that 1000 times more is on its way to you and your family. 

Father, we declare 1000 times more over our lives! We receive 1000 times more! We thank you that You do not care where we’ve been, and that our pasts don’t dictate our future. We thank you that You are moving us forward in this new year with a blessing of 1000 times more and favor. We love you Jesus! 

Written by: Morgan Kawakami

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This post was written by Neo Church

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